Wednesday 23 September 2015


3 pictures that reflects Malaysian culture:

3 pictures that reflects negative culture of Malaysia

Monday 31 August 2015


DIEP  stands for describe, interpret, evaluate and plan.

In this post, I'm going to DIEP my goal in life, particularly in the near future.

My goal as i'm in college is to have a better time management. I know that i cannot balance my social life as well as my academic. As a student, i believe time management is a vital thing especially that i have only one and a half year to accomplish my a levels in taylor's. Thus, i know i have to do something in order to achieve such a goal in my near future.

There were times when i think i cannot cope up with what my lecturers had been teaching. when the fact that my classmates can catch up faster than me makes me even more miserable. hence, i looked up for the causes and reasons behind such circumstances that transpired towards me.

I found out that i was and still am a procrastinator. procrastination towards my homework and assignments are a major and the base of this problem. Not only that, i am very unorganised and always tend to delay my time. i never realised the importance of time in my life. Thank God, someone just told me this recently that time is the most precious thing that everyone has. it all just depends on how you use your time.

Therefore, in order to get rid of such problem, i decided to make a timetable for my everyday routine. For example, i study for few hours and i spend some time for socialising too, such as engaging myself into several clubs that are available in the college. In this way, i can reduce my procrastination to delay my workload. i believe that as time continue to pass, more and more workload will be given. In a nutshell, i must strive hard to eliminate such demeanour in me. Here's a quote that motivates me to get rid of my procrastination.

Wednesday 26 August 2015


Taylor's graduate capability
i have learn that we must capable to put this as a lifelong practice. graduates should be able to intellectually engaged in any teamwork, groups or even in society. not only that, graduates will be able to improve their thinking and problem solving skills. apart from that, they can improve communication skills. Moreover, they will be able to become part of global citizens. most importantly, they are also digital literate of being able to do digital things.

i learnt how to express myself and introduce myself to other people. so that others can understand me better and give a better impression to me.

Personality test
this had taught me what am i. how i behave, and this turns out pretty true. i am ambivert and i know that. partially inrtovert and partially extrovert, thanks to this i know that im an ambivert. thanks so much for this.:)

Goal in my life
i have a dream and learnt that i can achieve it as long as i wok hard. this mpu class really reflects my life and what i want to be in the future. i feel very contented as i know what i want to be in lifelong career.

My learning style
i had learnt that my learning style is that i am more on audio. i listen to teacher speaking and i can understand really easily. i really do only realised that after this test. after that, i had started to learn in audio. such as watching youtube videos and learn by listening. this class had been a very beneficial test for me. :)

throughout this swot, i had learnt about my strengths and weakness and opportunity and threats in my life. i really do take time to reflect on my life, like whats my strengths such as being honest. and my weakness is that i am a very intolerance person. not only that, i just realised that i have opportunity throughout my life that i could'nt really realise. thanks to this swot mpu class i know that i actually have a lot of opportunity in my life that is so oblivion.

Career test
I know that one of my ambitions of being a dentist is true. it turns out that i am suitable of being a dentist. this career test even makes me convinced that i want to be a dentist. well, thanks again for this. this really reflects and give a hint of what i will be in the future. mpu class has really provides me a direction in my pathway of life,

Thursday 20 August 2015


Personality Types

Your results with percentage breakdown

Percentage breakdown of your results:

Introverted (I) 64% Extraverted (E) 36%Sensing (S) 50%Intuitive (N) 50%Thinking (T) 55%Feeling (F) 45%Judging (J) 50%Perceiving (P) 50%

ISTJ – Duty Fulfillers and Examiners

Career relevant traits:

• Will work long and hard to complete tasks to completion. 
• Faithful and loyal. 
• Stable, practical and down-to-earth 
• Do not like abstract theory, unless you see the practical application 
• Natural leaders 
• Prefer to work alone, but work well in teams when necessary 
• Extremely observant, you take in facts via your senses and store them internally 
• Vast inner store of facts which are used to understand problems which are encountered in your lifetime 
• Deep respect for facts and concrete information 
• Make decisions objectively, applying rational and logical thinking 
• Dislike change, unless you are shown it´s benefit in a concrete way 
• Have strong opinions about the way things should be done 
• Appreciate structured, orderly environments 
• Have very high standards for your own and other’s behaviour. 
• Not naturally able to pick up on other’s feelings 
• Can accomplish almost anything if you put your mind to it. 

You are a quiet and reserved person who seeks security and peace. Your sense of duty can create an air of serious around you, and this duty, combined with your honesty and integrity means you can be relied upon to complete tasks independently. 
You have great respect for facts, which you acquire through your sensing thinking mind. Although at times theories and ideas which are different to your own perspective you may have difficulty in understanding, once you have been shown the importance of the concept, you will go to all lengths to support and work to complete your duty. 
As an ISTJ, your strength which translates into your career, professional and personal life is your perseverance. As an ISTJ you can accomplish almost anything you put your mind to with dedication. Your career path may be most successful when you have the ability to use to your excellent skills of organisation and concentration. ISTJs fit very well into executive and management roles within the corporate/business world.

Possible Career Paths for the ISTJ:

• Business Executives, Administrators and Managers 
• Accountanting and financial work. 
• Auditors 
• Maths Teachers 
• Mechanical engineers 
• Technicians / Dentists 
• Police and Detectives 
• Judges 
• Lawyers 
• Medical Doctors and Dentists 
• Computer Programmers/specialists and System analysts 
• Military Leaders

I am aiming for professional job and I am in that list. I think I will be pursuing dentistry in my future.

Wednesday 19 August 2015


My strength is i am a very honest person. Regardless of hurting others feeling by my frankness, i will still tell the truth. i think in this way i am not considered as those 'fake faces' by people. not only that, i take this as a strength because i eventually motivate other to do something and work hard for it. so, i will consider this is my greatest strength and its my personality, my style.

My weakness is i cuss a lot. whenever something bad or even good thing i will still curse. i know that its not the right thing to curse at things or people. but i just find its hard to change my personality. it will take time in order to get rid of them. i wish i could get rid of this real weakness real fast. 

opportunities, everyone has opportunities. as for my case, i had this opportunity to receive a scholarship given by government to continue my studies in a level. i am very grateful that i can get this scholarship as there are many other applicants that applied for this. this is one of the opportunities in my life that can make a huge change in my whole life. so i am really grateful for that.

well, for threats, obviously, as a scholarship student i have to compete with a lot of other applicants that apply for it. as what i have mentioned, this is a bug threat to me. i have to make sure that i am above the average and have a better results than others. hence, this is a massive threat in my life. so yeah. thanks for reading. have a nice day. Brenda Ememrentiana. :)

Tuesday 18 August 2015


What's Your Learning Style? The Results

Your Scores:
  • Auditory: 45%
  • Visual: 20%
  • Tactile: 35%
You are an Auditory learner! Check out the information below, or view all of the learning styles.


If you are an auditory learner, you learn by hearing and listening. You understand and remember things you have heard. You store information by the way it sounds, and you have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. You often learn by reading out loud because you have to hear it or speak it in order to know it.
As an auditory learner, you probably hum or talk to yourself or others if you become bored. People may think you are not paying attention, even though you may be hearing and understanding everything being said.
Here are some things that auditory learners like you can do to learn better.
  • Sit where you can hear.
  • Have your hearing checked on a regular basis.
  • Use flashcards to learn new words; read them out loud.
  • Read stories, assignments, or directions out loud.
  • Record yourself spelling words and then listen to the recording.
  • Have test questions read to you out loud.
  • Study new material by reading it out loud.
Remember that you need to hear things, not just see things, in order to learn well.

Tuesday 11 August 2015


My name is Brenda Lee Yik Li, I'm from Sabah, Malaysia. Originated from Kota Kinabalu City. I received a scholarship named Yayasan Sabah and further my studies in here Taylor's College. My hobby is to read materials about general knowledge.I have a vast knowledge of general knowledge. I used to like history class because it was very interesting and fun. As I don't have time currently, I don't really read history now. Discovery channel is my favourite TV channel. So many things in this world can be discovered and its amazing about how this world evolved into a new revolution.

Apart from that, a little information about my family. I have both my parents who still live in Sabah and an elder sister who is currently studying medical in Malaysia. I love hanging around my family because the warmth of my family cannot be replaced into another thing and its priceless. Who doesn't love their family right?

Furthermore, I love being around people who cheer me up and bring positive impact into my life. Positive or known as optimistic thinking can eventually bring the good things into our life. This is one of the information i have learnt from discovery channel. It is known as law of attraction which was introduced by a philosopher back in the 1910s. Its just so amazing about life and therefore i live my everyday life into the fullest. Thank you for reading and have a nice day. :)


I quickly feel drained when in a large crowd of people.
 I am a cautious decision maker.

 I feel drained after being out and about, even if I’ve enjoyed myself.

I don’t take risks unless I’ve done some careful research or evaluation first.
When I was a child, people described me as “quiet.”
In large social gatherings, I often feel a need to seek out space to be by myself.
I don’t rush decisions.
Too much exposure to noise or light leaves me feeling drained or spacey.

I am patient about finding out all the facts before making a decision.
I do my best work in a quiet environment.
Based on your responses, you’re an ambivert. That means you fall smack in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum. In many ways, ambiverts have the best of both worlds, able to tap into the strengths of both introverts and extroverts as needed. See below for information on introverts and extroverts; you’ll likely see part of yourself in both.


“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it”. As the saying goes by William A. Ward. I dream of being a dentist in the future. Therefore, in order to achieve that, i must study hard in my a levels and strive for a good result.
As a student, my dream of becoming a dentist started in high school. During high school I was asked numerous times why I wanted to become a dentist. During this time, I didn’t have much to say that would defend my “dream”.  Because of this, people often brushed off my poorly developed answer and categorized me with every other high schooler with similar dreams of becoming a doctor/lawyer.
Hence, I know I should do better in school as in aiming straight As in my exam. Maintaining a consistent results. In order to do that, I should make myself a timetable for studying and a very consistent revision of what I have learnt today in class. Not only that, i should finish all the schoolwork that are given by my teachers in time. Moreover, i should study beforehand of what my teacher is going to teach. As long as i keep these ways in my life, i can definitely achieve what i have dreamt to become. A dentist. 
I plan to go for IMU in Bukit Jalil dental school. Therefore, i know what i want in my life. This is my life's main goal and I shall try my best to achieve that. God bless :)
Another saying which says: “Hold fast to dreams, for without them we are like birds with broken wings”.

Thursday 30 July 2015


 MPU stands for Mata Pelajaran Umum, this is a subject which is compulsory for all Malaysians who are studying in Malaysia. MPU is a subject that helps students to develop their personal skills and in becoming a more disciplined person.This subject mainly outlines the core knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities that students will develop at Taylor’s University regardless of their programme of study.

In a highly competitive and challenging 21st century workplace, graduates who are skilled will be relevant, responsive and work-ready to start ahead and stay ahead in the global marketplace. Not only that, this focuses on ensuring that each student is able to acquire and demonstrate discipline-specific knowledge, cognitive capabilities and soft skills.  

There are mainly 8 Taylor's Graduate Capabilities that can be obtained through this subject. First and foremost, students will be able to discipline specific knowledge. This means student are able to put theories into practices. For example, students will be able to apply what they have learnt theoretically into real life situations. Students will be able to understand ethical issues in the context of the field of the studies and understand professional practice within the field of study.

Not only that, graduate also capable to put this as a lifelong practice. Graduates also able to learn independently. Most importantly, graduates will know the skills to locate, extract, synthesise and utilise information effectively. Moreover, graduates should be able to be intellectually engaged in any teamwork, groups or even in society.

Apart from that, graduates also able to improve their thinking and problem solving skills in any kind of situations that may happen. They are capable to think critically and creatively too. For example, they can define and analyse problems such as environmental issues to arrive at effective solutions. This can be a really good practice in their real life. 

Furthermore, this subject can also improve students' communication skills which means they can communicate appropriately in various settings and modes. For instance, they can communicate with teammates eloquently with good clarity by conveying a clear message. 

Besides, graduates are able to practice their interpersonal skills too. They will be able to understand team dynamics and mobilise the power of teams. Not only that, they are able to understand and assume leadership. In this way, they can lead teammates in an efficient way.

Moreover, graduates will also capable of improving themselves in terms of intrapersonal skills. For example, being able to manage oneself and be self-reliant. Students also able to reflect on one's action such as being cooperative in a team and learn it form them. They should also get to embody Taylor's core values. 

Not only that, graduates also able to become part of world's citizenship and see things through global perspective. They also learn how to be aware of and form opinions from diverse perspective. Most importantly, they will be able to understand the value of civic responsibility and community engagement such as volunteering in global or local charity or raising fund for the unfortunates. 

Last but not least, graduates are also digital literate. They should be able to learn how to use ICT and related technologies effectively. This can be a very great advantage to them as we are living in a modern world where technologies dominate. 

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day! -Brenda Emerentiana